Have you ever wanted to write a book?
Maybe to share your own personal story to inspire others and show them that there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel so that they know that they are not alone?
Have you got the burning desire to finally write that novel you've been thinking about for months, maybe even years?
You are in the right place & I'm excited for you!
The Rebecca Adams Publishing House can help with getting your book from idea to print and out into the world.

Writing a book, story or chapter can be a mixed bag of emotions
You can feel excited, liberated, happy, at peace and joyful but you can and may feel the complete opposite - upset, emotional, anxious, anger etc.
It all depends on what you're writing about.
Do know that you will be FULLY SUPPORTED and will be guided throughout your entire experience with your book.
You are NOT alone and I will be with you every step of the way from start to completion.