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Gemma Gilfoyle

Gemma Gilfoyle is a Life Coach, Entrepreneur, #1 International Best-selling co-author, Speaker and Influencer.  She has 6+ years in business and is all about MOTIVATING EMPOWERING and UPLIFTING people by getting them to step into their POWER. Gemma has suffered from mental health for many years. Yet she has not let that define who she is and has used her knowledge and strength to create her own business, so she can help other people do the same. 

Gemma Gilfoyle

Gemma grew up as the 2nd child in her family and always felt different. She lived most of her childhood with her head in novels, knowing there was more to life than your average 9-5. Becoming a teen mum at 17, Gemma jumped straight into work and didn’t think about anything else, she had lost herself in the rat race of work. Her workdays had gotten so long that at times she was known to have worked 18hours shift.

Diving back into books and finding out she was pregnant, Gemma took time out to rediscover herself. Her past work had always been supporting and helping people. Having managed to gain full control of her own mental health, along with her passion for helping others, meant it took no time in finding her true calling as a life coach.

Gemma is a unique individual whose passion and love for helping others makes her stand out from other people. She wears her heart on her sleeve and will always go that one step further for her clients.

Gemma was also a Guest Speaker at the Empowerment Convention: IGNITE LIVE EVENT in 2019, created and hosted by Rebecca Adams.

She has also been on the Imani Speaks Radio Show and Podcast.

Gemma Gilfoyle Books

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Compiled, Edited and Published by Rebecca Adams Publishing House

Gemma Gilfoyle's Chapter starts on page 199

Compiled by Dr M.E Porter

Compiled by Dr M.E Porter


Gemma Gilfoyle







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